Interview (2023): Jessica Thompson Interviewed by Paul Couillard

Jessica Thompson's grey DoubleBind hoodie hangs from a white clothing stand with a QR code card in front in the lobby of the Theatre Centre.

Jessica THOMPSONinterviewed by Paul CouillardReflections on hybrid artist practices, calling out systems of oppression, and DoubleBind, the artist’s wearable art project—a hoodie that tweets for you as you walk through the Queen Street West neighbourhood—presented at 7a*11d and as part of KinesTHESESwith English closed captions

Interview (2023): Archer Pechawis interviewed by Golboo Amani

Archer Pechawis performs nōhtāwiy awa [this is my father] at the 7a*11d festival.

Archer PECHAWISinterviewed by Golboo AmaniReflections on the predicament of being Indigenous in Canada, using humour to tackle dark topics, and the artist’s performance for 7a*11d, originally titled nōhtāwiy awa [this is my father] in the festival program, now referred to by the artist as Catch a Rat with English closed captions

Interview (2023): Geneviève et Matthieu interviewed by Michelle Lacombe

Geneviève et Matthieu perform M. Gros [Mr. Big] at the 7a*11d fetsival.

GENEVIÈVE ET MATTHIEUinterviewed by Michelle LacombeReflections on decompartmentalizing art and audiences, commitment to community and the duo’s M. Gros [Mr. Big] performance presented by FADO at the 2022 7a*11d festivalin French with French and English subtitles (use the closed-caption button)Transcription: Sophie ChisogneTranslation: Oana Avasilichioaei

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